Monday, June 13, 2011

Somedays it's always "my turn"

I'm tired.  Today is one of those days when I would love for Greg to be home to help with Noah.  But he's away on a gig.  Greg is in the National Guard band while finishing up with school.  You'd think this wouldn't take him away much.  No deploying, just playing the tuba one weekend a month, two weeks a year, right?  No. Like a good daddy, he takes every opportunity to earn money with the guard that he can.  Noah turned 4 months old yesterday, and so far Greg has had 10 drill days, about 3 weeks away for various training, and goodness knows how many days of voluntary gigs like the one today.  I'm not complaining.  I know it could be much worse.  I would take this a million times a day as long as it keeps him close to home and out of harm's way.  I've been there, done that, and am glad this isn't in our immediate future.

During Greg's last (and longest) training course, we had the wonderful opportunity to talk on Skype a few times.  Noah was understandably confused about the whole thing.  The first time he saw his daddy on the screen he tried to climb over the keyboard while jibbering what I'm sure translated to, "Daddy, get out of there! I'm SO bored with just Mommy. She plays really dumb games and makes me dance to a stupid song she made up! HELP ME!"

There were other notable moments of Noah's Skype experiences, but those will have to wait... Right now I have to go change what smells like a very lovely diaper, and there's no one to turn to and say, "Your turn!"

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