Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Right smack where it should be...

On July 10th, 2010 I finally broke down and took a pregnancy test.  I swore it would be negative.  Sure, my Nuvaring had disappeared at some point in May, but everything seemed to be going normally since then.  Kind of.  I had been experiencing pretty constant spotting since late May so I assumed it was my body readjusting itself due to the loss of the ring.  Yep... I'm dumb.  I was also extremely tired and got waves of nausea in the evenings.  And ice cream? Yes please!   Go ahead and add moodiness onto the list.  (I don't think this is true, but Greg will tell you otherwise.)   But I had just bought a new home and was dealing with all the stress of being a new homeowner.  That's why I was nauseas, right?  Then I had to drive a half an hour further to work making my workday an hour longer.  Of COURSE I was tired in the evenings!  As far as the ice cream craving, it was summer.  Who doesn't want ice cream in the summer?!  But Greg insisted something was up, so I went out and got the test.  What I'm about to say will never be repeated.  So, Greg, enjoy this moment.

Greg was right. I was wrong.

I ended up calling an OB I knew and told her my symptoms, including the spotting and cramping.  She thought it could be ectopic and said if it got worse to go to an ER immediately.  On Monday it got really bad.  After work I rushed to the ER expecting the worst. 

My mother met me there since Greg couldn't.  (If you weren't aware, the Army has the ability to see into the future to make sure soldiers miss as many important events as possible.)  By the time the ultrasound began I had prepared myself for bad news.  The tech finally looked at me and said something along the lines of, "Um. Are you..... Did you know... Uh. What are... I... (long pause) Is there a chance you're pregnant?"  I informed him that I was, which was why I was there, and that they believed it to be ectopic.  He let out a huge sigh of relief and said that they had said I was having stomach pains and nothing about a pregnancy.  Then he said (verbatim... I'll never forget these words), "There's nothing ectopic about this pregnancy at all.  It's right smack where it should be. Want to see?" 

A moment later I was staring at the grainy screen watching a very VERY squiggly little jelly bean wiggle and jiggle around in a perfect baby-growing environment.  Then the tech turned on the sound so we could hear the beautiful "whoosh-whoosh-whoosh-whoosh" of a teeny, tiny heartbeat.  I was nearly 10 weeks pregnant. <3

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