Tuesday, January 3, 2012

not for the faint of heart...

Seriously... this is not for the faint of heart.  Unless you are a parent or work in healthcare, you may want to think twice before reading on.

So Noah enjoyed his dinner of oatmeal, lasagna, and a piece of cheesebread this evening before fussing in his highchair.  He was sleepy and sticky so we figured a quick bath and pjs would be an easy task.  Boy, were we wrong!  On our way up the stairs I noticed that Noah's bottom was wet.  He had fed himself much of his meal so this wasn't a surprise.  Then I smelled it...  I knew it was another explosion.  Thanks for that, btw, Pampers.  When I started undressing him I noticed that there was poop all the way down his leg.  I figured it wasn't too much and we could just rinse the clothes under the faucet in the bathtub before tossing them in the wash.  This worked fairly well with the onesie, but when I shook his pants out, well, let's just say I knew there couldn't be much in his actual diaper.  This was NOT going to go down the bathtub drain.  So now what?  Just as I was resigned to the fact that I'd have to grab it out by hand, Greg (who scored HUGE bf points for this) ran and grabbed the wipes.  Wipes or not, it was a task I do not want to repeat.  Ever.  This bath was more challenging than any we've given my cat, Fermata, who is not only exceptionally terrified of the water but also has a double coat.  Bring it on, Kitty.  You can't do anything that would compare to tonight's experience.  As I grabbed the largest "clump" that had come from his jeans, I dropped half of it.  This exposed the true contents.  McDonald's french fries.  Noah won't be having those again until he has a few more teeth.  We finally got him cleaned up and into bed.  As we kissed him goodnight and turned out his lights I was overcome by one thought... "I love this life." <3

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